Ubudu Blog
Find out the latest news about Ubudu's activities.
Key highlights

BLE ESL and RTLS Integration in Manufacturing
Ubudu’s BLE ESL integration with its RTLS delivers real-time asset tracking and automated updates for manufacturing. Featuring dynamic ESL displays from brands like PDI Digital and Minew—with options in size, interchangeable batteries, and shock protection—this solution streamlines workflows using a wireless BLE network, available via SaaS or on-premise.

The power of Hybrid RTLS solutions
Hybrid RTLS combines the benefits of different location tracking technologies to provide the most efficient results for tracking needs and can be used for multiple use cases. As indoor and outdoor positioning become increasingly interconnected, it is important to consider how to combine different RTLS technologies to improve ROI and meet the needs of end-users.

Introduction to Ubudu BLE Controller
Ubudu launches “BLE Controller”, a new feature available in Ubudu RTLS that will enable you to communicate with any RTLS tag remotely, right from your desk.
Media & Press

Plug-and-play Starter Kits including Ubudu hardware, software, tools and documentation in order to let you test and show demos of Ubudu RTLS in no time.
You can meet Ubudu at events and tradeshows in France and other countries. To know which events we will be participating in, feel free to check the Events section of our News page. Otherwise, contact us directly and we will be happy to organise a conference call or physical meeting at our head office in Paris or at your office.
French and foreign medias interviewed and wrote numerous papers about Ubudu especially related to the launch of Ubudu Social Distancing Assistant during Covid-19 pandemic. You can find Ubudu TV interviews and some of the press articles in the Press section of our News page. Don't hesitate to follow us on Twitter and Linkedin where we also relay any press article mentioning Ubudu.
Ubudu won multiple awards in different countries including:
- 2018 ICT Awards in Singapore
- 2018 Schneider Electric Blod Idea APAC in Singapore
- 2019 Huawei Digital In-Pulse in France
- 2019 Sodexo Eiffel Tower in France
- 2019 Slingshot Sector Winner in Singapore
Yes, Ubudu is member of prestigious think-tanks / consortiums to promote the standardisation of RTLS with Omlox, the world’s first open locating standard, or FiRa Consortium, for UWB adoption.