JCDecaux Airport conducted interactive O2O campaign for Coach using Ubudu Beacon technology at HKIA

JCDecaux Transport, Ubudu Asia’s privileged partner and the No.1 outdoor advertising company in Hong Kong, has recently launched the WeChat Shake O2O campaign at Hong Kong International Airport for Coach.
Campaign Background
The leading fashion and accessories brand from New York has introduced the featured product line, 1941 collection, which commemorates the brand’s 75th anniversary in this innovative campaign, aiming at drawing more online traffic from offline. Spanning over the whole flyers’ journey upon their arrivals, the call to action was obvious:
The project implementation was jointly done by Ubudu Asia team and JCDecaux team for the digital screens and lightboxes at the Arrivals’ Greeting Hall and Central Down Ramp Area. Leveraging on the latest Beacon technology, passengers can simply shake their smartphones to take part in the photo sharing campaign when they are around the area.
The WOW part of the campaign
The social media photo sharing campaign has attracted participants to a lucky draw in winning a signature handbag by sharing a photo in just 1 click (hashtags #CoachPreFall2016). To participate, travelers, when near JCDecaux media, had to activate Bluetooth, go on WeChat and shake their phones. Beacon transmitters fixed inside the advertising media would then communicate with passengers’ smartphones and take them to the campaign landing page.

Some key take away
To ensure the success of such a campaign, it is also necessary for brands to communicate properly around it, including on all social media platform, so that customers are aware of the ongoing campaign. Proper call to action on site, along with good internal and external communication, are thus two key factors of success every brand which want to conduct a similar O2O campaign need to keep in mind.
Comments from JCDecaux
“JCDecaux Transport is committed to develop interactive and innovative media solutions and let brands better engage with their target audience at the airport.” Shirley Chan, Managing Director of JCDecaux Transport, said enthusiastically. “With the success of this pioneer project, we are going to deploy the state-of-the-art beacon technology to the entire Hong Kong International Airport Advertising Platform, in due course more sophisticated O2O and interactive advertising campaigns can be facilitated” she added.
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