Ubudu will be participating to Huawei Connect 2022 in Paris on 17-18th of October

The perfect opportunity to learn more about our complete RTLS solution that can be integrated with Huawei Wi-Fi Access Points.
Ubudu will have a booth on both days and Victor Bogey, Ubudu Sales Director, will participate to a roundtable as a speaker to discuss the importance of using Real-Time-Location Systems (RTLS) to improve Operational Flows whilst reducing environmental footprint in both healthcare and manufacturing sectors.
If you would like to meet us on this occasion, please register here.
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The power of Hybrid RTLS solutions
Hybrid RTLS combines the benefits of different location tracking technologies to provide the most efficient results for tracking needs and can be used for multiple use cases. As indoor and outdoor positioning become increasingly interconnected, it is important to consider how to combine different RTLS technologies to improve ROI and meet the needs of end-users.

Introduction to Ubudu BLE Controller
Ubudu launches “BLE Controller”, a new feature available in Ubudu RTLS that will enable you to communicate with any RTLS tag remotely, right from your desk.

Who said RTLS is complex & expensive ?
RTLS is often associated with “expensive” and “complex” in the minds of industrials. But technology adoption by the consumer markets changed everything, and provides now industrials with the opportunity to deploy an asset tracking solution with a sub-year ROI.