Ubudu’s technology leveraged by JCDecaux Transport in Hong Kong MTR!

Madame Tussauds – Connect on the go mobile app
From end of July to September 22nd 2017, take selfies with 32 celebrities from Madame Tussauds Hong Kong by downloading the Madame Tussauds – Connect on the go mobile app ! (available on iOS and Android)!
Ubudu technology for way-finding and proximity messages
Strengthening our partnership with JCDecaux Transport, we are proud to announce that Ubudu technology is being used for way-finding and proximity messages in Hong Kong and Central MTR Stations. Combined with Augmented Reality and a redemption system on the mobile app, MTR passengers are able to play an innovative O2O game to win fantastic prizes provided by Madame Tussauds Hong Kong!

Selfie checkpoints in Hong Kong and Central MTR stations
Every week, MTR passengers have the opportunity to take selfies with a selection of celebrities by finding checkpoints in Hong Kong and Central MTR Stations using the way-finding system provided on 3D map.

Augmented Reality selfie with celebrities using Madame Tussauds mobile app and way-finding system
At their arrival at the checkpoint, they automatically receive a message inviting them to scan the checkpoint to trigger the Augmented Reality selfie with the celebrity. After taking a selfie with the 4 celebrities of the week, users can redeem for a prize. Users who will take selfies with all 32 celebrities during the 8-week campaign will qualify for the big prize!

Eventually, this project was a great opportunity to demonstrate the potential of our technology combined with AR to design an immersive game. Feel free to come to central and test it yourself!
Pictures Copyright: JCDecaux Transport / MTR Advertising
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